Huge Gold foil Textures Bundle 金箔纹理贴图合集
Huge Gold foil Textures Bundle
500 个纹理在文件夹中井井有条
75个污垢Alpha无缝平铺贴图 Artstation – 75 DIRT LEAK EFFECT MASK
100个表面缺陷高光遮罩贴图 ArtStation – 100 Grunge and Surface Imperfections Vol.1
ArtStation - 100 Grunge and Surface Imperfections Vol.1
100种瑕疵不完美高光遮罩贴图 100 Imperfection Texture – Vol.06( 4K In PNG )
100 Imperfection Texture - Vol.06( 4K In PNG )
140种高细节扫描无缝 4K PBR 环境贴图 Environment PBR Materials Mega set Vol 02
环境PBR贴图 Environment PBR Materials Mega set Vol 02
高细节扫描和无缝 4K ...
PhotoBash – Palm Trees 后期ps热带植物素材
PHOTOBASH – Palm Trees
A masked collection of palm trees containing vari...
Arnold Shader Suite for C4D V3 Arnold阿诺德渲染器材质预设
Arnold Shader Suite for C4D V3
2000+ C4D & Corona 材质预设库 SigerShaders for C4D & Corona Render
2000+ C4D & Corona 材质预设库 SigerShaders for C4D & Corona Render
CGAxis HDRI Skies Collection Volume 03
CGAxis HDRI Skies III Collection is a set of 100 full spherical HDR imag...
HDRI Hub – HDR Pack 004
HDRI Hub – HDR Pack 004
Bundle of the 11 HDRI environments at a reduce...
CGAxis Metals PBR Textures – Collection Volume 26
CGAxis – Metals PBR Textures – Collection Volume 26
CGAxis P...
500个无缝装饰阿尔法图案 500 seamless ornamental alpha pattern-Vol05
500个无缝装饰阿尔法图案 500 seamless ornamental alpha pattern-Vol05